Pregnancy is different for everyone but for me personally, these items saved me in my first trimester! If you’re a new mama-to-be and want to make yourself a little more comfortable or maybe a friend of a mama-to-be and want her to know your thinking of her, here are some ideas that will be put to good use!
Maternity Bra – if you’re like me and your boobs grew instantly, go ahead and get yourself a maternity bra. I got ones that also have a breastfeeding clip since I knew I would need them eventually!
Loose pajamas: pretty much anything with a waistband is out. I just wanted light, soft, comfies for all the napping and resting. A sleep dress is even better. This one from Target is simple, soft and comfy!
Belly oil: might as well get a head start! I like these three – you can’t go wrong with any! Bio Oil, Necessaire (CODE:10QUINN), and Hatch!
Hair clips: when your sorority sisters aren’t around to hold your hair back anymore (jk) these will do the trick!
Baby Book: everyone documents things differently. I took some videos during my first tri but I found myself really enjoying coming to this book every week to record my thoughts and feelings. It covers absolutely everything and is so cute!
Face tanner: between sleeping, puking, and feeling like overall crap 24/7, something that always makes me look a little better is a tan. This one is so quick/easy to apply and gives your skin that perfect glow even if you’re pregnancy isn’t!
Gingerale/Crackers/Peppermint Tea/Lemons: the nausea and morning sickness for me was absolutely killer. Hayden looked up a bunch of nausea remedies and brought home a grocery bag full of them for me to try when I wasn’t feeling good. Anything is worth a shot when you’re feeling so crappy! For me, crackers and lemons helped the most!
Prenatal: If you aren’t already taking a prenatal (I started about 6 months before we started trying) you will want to start one ASAP. I used this one from Ritual. It’s lemony, easy to take in my opinion and I love that it ships monthly with no effort on my part. One thing no one EVER mentions about this is that it can make your burps a little fishy. Sorry if that’s TMI but it’s true! I take it at night, very last thing before I fall asleep for that reason and never have any issues the next morning. If you have morning sickness, eat a cracker or two before you take it so you have a little something on your stomach before.