I don’t want to brag, but I think I’m a pretty good gift giver. In my family it’s like a competition of whether or not you can think of a gift that someone would really want before they can even think of it themselves. Plus there is no better feeling than getting someone a gift that you know they are going to love and you just can’t wait for them to open!
For my “gift guide for her” post I consulted several different women in my life to try to cover all my basis. These are some basic items that you can personalize depending on who you are shopping for, that I think most women would love! So, without further ado…
- Perfume
Perfume ain’t cheap so you can’t go wrong with restocking your lady’s signature scent or a scent she’s been wanting for Christmas! For me, this is a no brainer. I’m a Chanel Eau Fraiche girl all the way. Not sure what scent to get? Try getting a scent sampler like this one from Sephora. That way whoever your shopping for can try a bunch of different perfumes and pick her favorite.
- Watch
It is so surprising to me how little of my friends wear watches! I have always worn them, but I think they are starting to get more popular. For this category you can go two different routes depending on what type of lady your shopping for.
If she’s sporty or super active, you can’t go wrong with an Apple Watch. Obviously this is a pricier option, but usually around Black Friday/Cyber Monday you can get some pretty good deals and it’s an accessory she can wear everyday that’s also super functional.
If she’s more preppy, there are a few different options, but brands like Daniel Wellington, MVMT, and Klarf are some of my favorites. Personally, I am definitely picking up this watch for myself this Christmas, I have been wanting it for months!
- Purse or backpack:
Backpacks are super trendy this season and I am absolutely loving this one from Vici!
If you think she’d like a smaller cross body more, these ones from Vici are also adorable and come in a few different colors! I have a bag just like this that I use all the time!
- A mani/pedi
Every woman loves being pampered and I love few things more than a fresh mani/pedi. Grab your gal a giftcard to her favorite salon for the holidays! If she’s not super interested in getting her nails done, look into a facial or a massage at a local spa!
Photo from: Go Polished
- A cozy pajama set
Nothing says “I love you” like the gift of snuggly pajamas. I personally spend way too much money on loungewear and beauty products, but maybe your woman doesn’t and she could use a new set. Here are some options from Nordstrom that I’m loving:
Or if she’s like me and hates sleeping in long pants, the shorts version:
If you want to expand a little on this one you could always throw in a candle (my favorite is Volcano by Capri Blue or anything from Bath and Body Works), and/or a facemask. I’d go for this one from Glam Glow!
- Jewelry
Do I even need to expand on this one? All I’ll say is stick with something dainty and small to stay on trend and not break the bank. Uncommon James has some great pieces, Made by Mary has some adorable necklaces, and you can’t go wrong with some cubic zirconia earrings from Nordstrom.Obsessed with these earrings from Uncommon James! Get your initials, her initials, or both! <3 Necklace by: Made By Mary - Gift Cards
Last but not least, if you’re really that stumped and can’t decide on something, gift cards are a way of saying “I love you enough to let you pick something out yourself”. I can’t speak for every woman on this one, but between Nordstrom and Sephora all my bases are usually covered!
Hope you enjoyed this post and found something to get for your girlfriend, wife, friend, sister, mom, or any other lady in your life. Stay posted later this week for a “Gift Guide For Him”!
Happy Holidays y’all, until next time!