This Persian girl is back to her roots! I naturally have darkish brown hair that lightens up in the summer, probably thanks to my blonde haired mama. For the past 2 and a half years I have been balayage highlighting my hair similar to the way Jessie James Decker’s hair looks, but I just recently decided to go back to brunette! Pics of my old hair below:
I have a tough head of hair that can handle a lot, but this last summer I really started noticing the bleach taking its toll. My hair just wasn’t as soft and shiny as it used to be and it didn’t style as easily. Because of this I started to miss when I had darker hair that so effortlessly looked shiny and healthy. A couple of days ago I finally pulled the trigger and went back to dark and I am still deciding how I feel about it!

My hairdresser is a-maz-ing and completely nailed the look I was going for (I have given out her info to tons of friends and family who now see her regularly so if you are interested just comment or shoot me an email and I am happy to get you in contact with her). It is weird because even though I am naturally a brunette, I really loved my highlighted hair and for some reason with my hair dark again I just don’t feel like me. Sometimes I absolutely love it, and other times I wish I had stayed lighter. Either way it is definitely growing on me, and I did notice that while I loved the beachy wave look with my blonde hair, with my dark hair I’m liking it more when it’s straight. Regardless, the brunette is here to stay and I am happy I did it! I never really like to keep my hair the same when I go to the salon because if I’m going to pay to change it, I want the change to be drastic enough for people to notice and for it to feel worth it! So for now its back to brunette. No promises for when next summer rolls around, though, I might just have to break back out the bleach!
See you next time!